Are you at a place in your life where you don't know what to do or where to turn? Have you found yourself in that place in life when you don't know what to do, or where to turn? You may want to consider some personal, marital or family counseling.
Have you thought about counseling for personal, marital or family issues but it's all so confusing and expensive you simply don't know where to begin?
As Christians, there are times when we feel like a failure because it seems that we can't get a handle on our lives. Pursuits like Bible reading, prayer time and even church involvement don't seem to bring about the solutions we are seeking to our personal or family difficulties.
Aren't Christians supposed to be able to conquer these problems by prayer and reading the Bible? Shouldn't being involved in church insure that Christians won't have problems like these? Have you found yourself wondering if you are simply a failed Christian? Are you hesitant to involve your minister due to his limited available time or your own need for greater confidentiality?
When such times occur in our lives, we may benefit from short term problem solving counseling from a Biblical perspective, or from receiving in-depth counseling for personal Christian growth and development.
At Chris Handy Christian Counseling Services, you can be confident that your concerns will be addressed from a Biblical perspective; you will receive professional and confidential care at a reasonable cost. Chris Handy Christian Counseling Services will address your concerns from a Biblical perspective. Be assured your short or longer term needs will be met with the help of a caring, experienced, licensed, professional Christian therapist.
Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is Victory. - Proverbs 11:14
Chris Handy's Christian Counseling Services