Dr. Christopher D. Handy, Ph. D.

Dr. Christopher D. Handy is a licensed and certified Counselor/Therapist/Professional Life Skills Coach and Trainer/Adult Organizational Development Specialist with over 20 years of experience in counseling individuals, couples, and youths. He has worked with at-risk and troubled youths within the community by helping them to believe in themselves and encouraging them to strive for success.  He was honored in 2002 with an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities Degree from The Institute of Christian Works for his successful work in establishing an at-risk youth Mentoring Program. Dr. Handy is also a certified prison fellowship counselor, who has spoken to numerous inmates of all ages on how to survive on the inside, thus, preparing them for their release into society.  Dr. Handy is a certified Private Postsecondary Educator in Christian Education. Having received many citations and special recognition awards from state and civic organizations.  
For in St. John 3:16-17, Jesus said "For God so Loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlastings life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved." There is hope for the world and that hope lies within Jesus Christ.

There is hope for you and for those of you who feel there is none.  Jesus is the hope of the world who came to bring hope and peace and to save mankind from their sins, and I am a witness to that fact. 

I say to you "Do Not Be Afraid" of what the world may throw at you and do not allow fear to control your life. Just believe and trust God with all of your heart and soul, and you will be victorious in your walk with God. I say "Do Not Be Afraid."

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